Dah Sing Bank   中文
Get Started With Wealth Management In a Progressive Way! YOU Save. We Reward. Take the Challange.

Saving is difficult? Not really.  As long as there is a goal, everything can be achieved! YOU Banking brings a new chapter of wealth management to the younger generation. Let us team up with you to complete a 52-week savings challenge, for you to get well-prepared for your financial roadmap and reach your dream in a leap.

You Never Challenge Alone! Successfully open a YOU Banking account and get started with Target Savings during the Promotion Period*, you can enjoy an interest rate of up to 1 % p.a. and Welcome Reward of up to HK$7,400^.

Get challenge to new savings concept, turbocharge the growth of your wealth!
Finish the easy challenge for the entire 6 consecutive months starting from the next calendar month of the YOU Banking account opening date, you can enjoy Credit Card Cash Reward of up to HK$600 in total and reach your wealth goals ahead of time!
Make an Appointment for the 15 minute~ Speedy Account Opening and get the challenge to adhere your savings dreams!
Make Appointment Now www.dahsing.com/you/en
* Promotion Period is valid until 31 March 2017.
+ Offers are valid until 31 December 2016.
~ Customer is required to make online appointment and bring along the documents required to branch for 15-minute speedy account opening, but subject to the actual situation.
^ HK$7,400 in Welcome Reward includes up to HK$1,000 in Dream Realization Reward, up to HK$600 in YOU Challenge, up to HK$700 in 360° Easy Payroll Services Reward, up to HK$200 in Securities Service Reward, up to HK$100 in FX Buy / Sell Transaction Reward, up to HK$300 in ONE+ Credit Card Reward, up to HK$500 in Dah Sing Octopus App Card Reward and up to HK$4,000 in Referral Program Reward.

1. The promotion period for YOU Banking Welcome offer is from 1 October 2016 to 31 March 2017 (both days inclusive).
2. Offers are subject to the relevant terms and conditions. For details and the relevant terms and conditions of YOU Banking, please visit www.dahsing.com/you/en.
3. For details and the relevant terms and conditions of 52-week Challenge, please visit www.dahsing.com/deposit/TSD/en.
4. For the details and the relevant terms and conditions of the 360o Easy Payroll Services, please visit www.dahsing.com/payroll/en.
5. For details and the relevant terms and conditions of Securities Account, please visit www.dahsing.com/securities.
6. For details and the relevant terms and conditions of Dah Sing Octopus App Card, please visit www.dahsing.com/appcard/en.
7. The Bank reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions or cancel or amend the offers at any time without prior notice. Should any dispute arise, the decision of the Bank shall be final and conclusive.
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