
Product Information

  • Convert your target currencies automatically on a pre-set date after setting up your scheduled FX instruction

Features Details

  • Set up, amend or cancel your scheduled FX instructions anytime anywhere through e-Banking or Mobile Banking
  • Choose from up to 15 major currencies

Features Details

  • Place your instructions up to 45 calendar days in advance, or set up a 6-month consecutive scheduled instruction for the exchange on a designated date of each month according to your needs and preferences

Features Details



You must be aged 18 or above

You must have a foreign currency account

You must have registered e-Banking or Mobile banking with us

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Key Risks Warning

The following is an important notice to customer and please read this carefully:

Foreign Currency Trading - Investment involves risks. Foreign currency investments are subject to exchange rate fluctuation which may provide both opportunities and risks. The fluctuation in the exchange rate of foreign currency may result in losses in the event that the customer converts the foreign currency into Hong Kong dollar or other foreign currencies. Foreign currency rates of exchange may adversely affect the value, price or income of any security or related investment mentioned in this document. This document does not purport to identify all the risks that may be involved in the product or investments referred to in this document. Before making investment decision, investors should read and understand the offering documents of such products, including but not restricted on the risk disclosure statement and health warning.

Currency Risk Disclosure - Exchange of renminbi (RMB) to HKD or other currencies is subject to currency exchange rate fluctuation. Customers will bear the fluctuations of RMB exchange rate which may cause profit or loss if customer chooses to convert RMB to HKD or other currencies. RMB is currently subject to exchange controls imposed by the PRC government, the exchange rate may be easily affected by change in government policies.

This service / product is not targeted at customers in the European Union.

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