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Properties For Sale

Properties For Sale

We offer a selection of mortgagee properties. For more information, please contact Mr. To at 2240 8800.

Property AddressSaleable Area
(Square Feet)
Occupation Date
Flat F, Ka Yin Mansion, (Block C) Jade Field Garden, No. 19 Ngau Tau Kok Road, Ngau Tau Kok, Kowloon 403 s.f. 1997
Flat A, "10 South Wall Road", No. 10 South Wall Road, Kowloon 590 s.f. 1989
Unit B, Block 12, Tsui Chuk Garden, 8 Chui Chuk Street, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon 484 s.f. 1989
Flat 6, Block D, Hiu Lai Court, 21 Hiu Kwong Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon 436 s.f. 1997
New Territories
Flat P, Elverum Tower 1, NOVO LAND Ph1A, No. 8 Yan Po Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories 418 s.f. 2023
Flat E, Tower 2, SEA TO SKY LOHAS Park, 1 LOHAS Park Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories 468 s.f. 2021
INCL Balcony Block Q OF, Oak Hull No.59 Nga Yiu Tau, Section C of LOT#2658 IN DD116, Shap Pat Heung, Yuen Long, New Territories 700 s.f. 2013
Flat B, Tower 6, Vista Paradiso, No.2 Hang Ming Street, Ma On Shan, Shatin, New Territories 532 s.f. 1999
Flat D, Block A, Joyful Building, 202 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan, New Territories 730 s.f. 1988
G/F & Garden, Wai Tsai, Yuen Long, New Territories 700 s.f. 2003
Section B of LOT#1247 IN DD76, Sheung Shui, New Territories 691 s.f. 1997
Flat 1, Block B, Shan Lai Court, Phase 2020, Fanling, New Territories 292 s.f. 2021

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  3. The Bank does not represent that any of the property is available and unless a binding sale and purchase agreement is signed, any of the property could be withdrawn from sale, re-sold or otherwise disposed of.
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