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Register for "Visa Card Exclusive – Chill Delights" Promotion

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  1. If customers holding Visa Principal Card of the credit card or Co-brand issued by the Bank ("Eligible Cardholders") registers more than once with his / her Eligible Card(s), the Bank will take the latest registration record during the Registration Period as final.
  2. If an Eligible Cardholder holds more than one Principal Eligible Credit Card(s), he / she is required to register once with any one of his / her Eligible Principal Card(s). Registration by Supplementary Card or UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card RMB account is not accepted to this Promotion (If applicable).
  3. A reference number will be generated once the registration is submitted successfully. Registration quota applies and is on a first-come-first-served basis.
  4. This Promotion is subject to relevant terms and conditions.

To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!

The service(s) / product(s) mentioned herein is / are not targeted at customers in the EU.